TC Farm Offers Four Different Organic Produce Boxes Each Week!
TC Farm's produce CSA is a little different. We focus on the highest quality produce and deliver right to your door every week. Or every other week. Or whenever works best for you. There is no year-long commitment or penalty for going on vacation!
Not every household enjoys exactly the same food at the same time as everyone else.
Each week you can pick and choose the type of produce that is best for you.
More than just produce
Each week, our members also learn more
Tips, Farmer Profiles and More

Each delivery, we'll include tips about cooking, profiles about the farmers raising the produce more information about the growing season and more!
See What's Coming Next

Each week, our members can see what produce is coming the following week. That way you can add another box, swap out a box or even skip a week!
Recipe Ideas Too!

Each week, we include a bunch of recipes featuring that week's produce! Whether you are a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned pro looking for inspiration, we're here to help!
A bit more about why we do it
Organic Produce Matters
Why Organic MattersAll of our produce is organic. TC Farm requires everything is at least transition organic but in practice most is fully certified.
Transition organic crops are crops grown 100% to the organic standards, except the land hasn't completed its three year transition period yet.
As a consumer, having that peace of mind is worth a few hundred dollars a year spread across all of the food that farm creates.
Why Year Round?
50 Weeks A YearEven with Minnesota's shorter growing season, we really can pack in a bunch of growth during those long summer days!
It is hard to have a viable business if what you do starts and stops twice a year.
- How can anyone have a career building a better local food system if all the jobs last 18 weeks or less?
- How can we extend the growing season itself?
Local Matters
Find out Why Local MattersBesides all the local economic perks, local also provides some key benefits for all of us to enjoy:
- Fresher: even fresher than grocery!
- Heirloom: healthier and tastier varieties simply won't hold up to inter-state transport.
- Environment: the more land we better manage in Minnesota, the better our local rivers, lakes and soil will be.
See for yourself what we've been up to!
Here's what we delivered to our members most recently. And what's coming next!

December 12-17 Delivery
Local napa cabbage, spaghetti squash, kennebec potatoes mixed with green beans, cucumbers pears, blueberries and more!

December 19-21 Delivery
Local storage crops like squash, onions, potatoes, carrots and radishes mix with fresh citrus, leafy greens and kitchen staples like broccoli and zucchini in this week's shares.