Oven Fries

Active time: 10 minutes • Total time: 45 minutes

Posted on Nov 10, 2015 by Jack McCann
Tags: recipes sides

To make oven fries:

  • Cut up some organic yellow potatoes in whatever size you’d like. 
  • Toss liberally in olive or melted coconut oil
  • Place on an oiled baking sheet and add sea salt. 
  • Put into a 350 degree oven until the potatoes are nearly cooked, but not brown. 
  • Then turn up the oven to 450 or 500 degrees until golden brown and crispy.  If you cut your fries thin, you can go straight to the higher temp. 

I am sure that many of you will never settle for ketchup with your fries after you make a good batch of Aioli with pastured raised hen yolks! 

Oven Fries and Aioli

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