Cancellation Policy

Posted on Jan 30, 2016 by Jack McCann
Tags: handbook

Sometimes subscribers need to stop their deliveries. We get that.  Since we raise all of our animals seasonally, our group carries a large inventory and makes plans years in advance to ensure we have enough food for your family. This helps lock in prices so we can avoid passing on large increases when grain or hay prices fluctuate wildly. While this commitment creates a lot of value for our members, it also locks our cooperative group in for costs far into the future. In exchange, we’d appreciate as much notice to cancel as possible.

If you’re not moving out of town, we’d much prefer the opportunity to customize your package for the types of meats and price point you need instead of cancelling (see the customization options). Most of the time we’re able to accommodate our subscribers’ needs and can make up a package that ts well for their family. If you need cooking advice for a particular item, let us know!

If we’re unable to make your membership work for your family, our cancellation policy is 90 days. If you need to cancel, please let us know some of your favorite items so we can ensure you leave the group with just what you’d like for the last couple of deliveries. 

New members wanting to try out our food can sign up for a subscription. If for whatever reason the program or food doesn't work for your family, you can cancel after the first delivery.

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