Mushroom Tips

Posted on Jun 12, 2018 by Jack McCann
Tags: Member News

Mushrooms provide a unique opportunity to add umami to almost any savory recipe, while also adding the tremendous food power they contain. Mushrooms are rich in micro-nutrients, protein, anti-oxidants and many vitamins – including many being a source of Vitamin D. So you have in your hands what can be a transformative ingredient – especially because these aren’t white buttons or portabella.


All mushrooms need a moist environment to maintain their freshness. Store all mushrooms in a refrigerator with a damp towel on top - Never seal in an airtight container. You can put something on top to keep the towel from drying out too quickly. Both of these hold up well to extended (1 week) storage.  You can dry them if you can't use it all right away. 


A good general rule for all mushrooms is to pan roast them before adding them to any recipe. In giving them a good brown in a medium-high pan, it concentrates the flavor, and cooks out the water so they are ready to add to a recipe. After browning, add some butter, salt and pepper to taste. You can add these mushrooms to any dish calling for mushrooms, and exceed the flavor and texture of the normal white and brown choices. Cook all mushrooms a minimum of 7 min. to avoid GI disturbance.

June 2018 Box

This box includes 1.5 lbs. total of Brown Beech and Nebrodini. Both of these mushrooms transform you to far away culinary destinations and offer flexibility in preparation. So pick a recipe you are comfortable with, or use these as an opportunity to extend your culinary chops.


The June mushrooms have a high yield, meaning you can cook and eat almost everything. The beech are set to cook out of the bag. For the Nebrodini, trim the bottom 1/3 inch and slice up to cook. Put the trimming in your stock bag for later.


Called the “Grilling Oyster” by Italian chefs, the Nebrodini is in the oyster family that also includes the King Trumpet. Hailing originally from Sicily (only), Nebrodini are one of the only mycorrhizal mushrooms successfully cultivated. A buttery flavor, with a steak like texture, Nebrodini are called the ribeye of mushrooms.

  • Slice in half, brush with oil, grill
  • Use instead of beef for stroganoff
  • Use in any egg dish
  • Sauté, add butter, salt & pepper, eat with steak, pork chop - substitute for chicken in Alfredo
  • Grill or sauté with light seasoning for tacos


The #1 mushroom in Japan. It is said that brown beech is for flavor, Matsutake for aroma. Brown beech benefit from a good brown, as the flavor really comes out. The beech is a sturdy mushroom, that maintains it’s “mushroom” shape through cooking, so can add a good visual to any dish.

  • Any Asian dish that calls for mushroom - pickling (temper mushrooms first in brine to get rid of “slime”)
  • Any egg dish - mushroom hot dish - add to soups - mushroom gravy 

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