Eggs Benedict

Active time: 30 minutes • Total time: 45 minutes

Posted on May 30, 2019 by Jack McCann
Tags: Recipes eggs deli meat Newsletter

All From Scratch

The ultimate eggs Benedict is something you can say with pride: "I did THAT"

So take an extra few minutes and make it ALL yourself. Here are the three simple recipes you need.

Eggs Benedict is fairly simple and is about high quality ingredients being showcased together.

Getting a really nice slice of ham (like ours) and making the muffins yourself pushes this over the top (I like to briefly fry the ham)

First The Eggs

The first thing to start are the eggs (at least if you are using a sous vide... we use an Anova machine)

If you are going to fry or poach your eggs in water, do this step last, I prefer to sous vide because it is quick to start, less dishes and fairly consistent results.


  1. Place the eggs you need in the smallest container that will fit them including the water needed (this is kind of important)
  2. Set the sous vide to 143 degrees
  3. Run at that temp until you are almost done with the muffins
  4. Boost the temp to 170 degrees
  5. Remove the eggs promptly once the water bath hits 169 or 170 degrees
  6. Crack the eggs onto your Benedict, if needed scoop out any whites stuck on the inside.


When you sous vide eggs, the challenge you'll find is that the yolks get 'done' at a different temp than the whites. If you want slightly runny yolks, the whites will be 'raw' at the same temp. Sous vide makes the entire eggs the exact same temp, so the trick we figured out is to boost the temp at the very end so the whites are cooked to a higher temp, but the yolks are not cooked beyond your target temp.

The temps above will yield eggs that look like those shown in the video. The yolks are be the consistency of warm (not hot) honey... in other words a classic style for poached egg.

If you want firmer whites, but not firmer yolks, you could consider boosting the final temp up a bit to 175 or even 180... but I might drop the initial temp down to 142 or 141 to compensate.

At that higher temp of whites, you'll probably find they stick to the shell a bit and require a small spoon to scoop them out.

English Muffins

The recipes we found online for these were a lot of work, used a lot of dishes and took a lot more time than needed.

We've streamlined this recipe and are really proud of how it turned out.

I shot this video on a weeknight the recipe is so fast!

Make the hollandaise while the muffins are rising... (see below)

(Click images to view recipe)


I make the hollandaise while the muffin dough is rising... I'd recommend adding things like chipotle or saffron to the hollandaise at the end during the 'whisk' step. Really the sky is the limit!


  • 4 egg yolks (Pasteurize if desired - here is how)
  • heavy pinch of salt
  • 1/4 c of olive oil (optional, used to thin out sauce a bit)
  • 1 stick of melted butter (could do a bit more if you want)
  • 1 lemon, juiced


  1. Add egg yolks and fats to small bowl or 4 cup pyrex
  2. Blend with an immersion blender until thick and fully incorporated
  3. Add lemon juice and any other flavors
  4. Whisk by hand


The olive oil adds a bit of a different flavor, I prefer to limit it... traditionally hollandaise would be 100% butter. However, adding a bit of olive oil gets you a smoother sauce, especially if using in a future day.

Other flavors to consider:

  • saffron
  • white wine vinegar
  • butter fried garlic (add before immersion blender)
  • lime instead of lemon
  • chipotle or the traditional cayenne

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