Summer Egg Sale

There's never been a better time to try TC Farm eggs!

Posted on Jun 25, 2019 by Jack McCann
Tags: newsletter eggs

Summer eggs on sale

Now, for a limited time, you can pick up our amazing eggs for just $5.99 a carton!

What makes our eggs different? Here are a few things, for a start:

  • Pasture-Raised
  • Small Flock Sizes
  • Treated with respect
  • Hens are selected for quality, not quantity
  • Rich orange yolks in summer
  • Richer Taste
  • Transition and certified-organic feed

What makes our eggs different?

Try our eggs (order extras)

If you are already a member:
Your account will reflect the $5.99 price.

To add more eggs to your July delivery, login and increase the amount in your cart by June 30th

If you'd like to try how different our eggs are:

Sign up for an egg-only membership here.

We have deliveries to over 70 neighborhood pickup locations across the Twin Cities.

If you join by June 30th, we will include your eggs with our July deliveries!

Great Summer Egg Recipes

1) The Raspberry treat is just to die for — seriously make that recipe

2) Use the extra yolks to make the pudding or top grilled summer veggies with the Eggs Benedict hollandaise

3) The oven pancake will be featured in our July meal plan - fantastic!

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