Farm Tour - July 13, 2019

Great for families - Tours starting 10am - 3pm

Posted on Jun 25, 2019 by Jack McCann
Tags: newsletter member news

Farm Tour: July 13, 2019

TC Farm South Location

We are excited to participate in this year's Annual Co-op Farm Tour on July 13th. The local cooperative grocery stores organize the tour and there are also some great veggie farms across the Twin Cities metro as well. Please make time to stop by and say hello!

This year, we will be having tours of our TC Farm South location, just about an hour south of the metro. You can get maps and more with the Farm Tour Guide book, which you can find here. Or you can pick up hard copies at your local co-ops.

The Farm tour is free and open to the public with tours taking place every hour starting at 10am.

LAST TOUR is 3pm.

With near 30 farms on the tour, this is a fantastic way to get connected with the farmers who are raising your food and see for yourself as well as getting a chance to ask any questions you might have! This is a super family friendly event and most people make a point of visiting more than one farm along the way.

We've made a Facebook Event for this so you can post it to your calendars and get reminders, too.

Hope to see you soon... tell your friends!


TC Farm is listed in this year's farm tour as part of the South (blue) listings (page 7 of the guide)

19. TC Farm South
12456 Bagley Ave.
Dundas, MN 55019

Sustainable family farm raising pasture-based and organic-fed meats. Meet our laying hens and chickens!

What to Bring?

  1. Questions -- Do you have questions for farmers about where your food comes from or how things are raised? Getting to see farms up close and personal helps everyone in the community feel more connected to their food sources. If you have questions, any farmers would love to answer them!!
  2. Boots -- Boots are a great idea. You are going to be touring farms which may not work so well with your best shoes.
  3. Bug spray -- Might be a nice idea, really depends on the weather and cloud cover.
  4. An umbrella - For shade, it will be hot
  5. Food -- You may have other farms you'd like to run off and visit. However, you are also welcome to stay at our farms and have a picnic with your family.
  6. Picnic blanket and chairs -- we will NOT have chairs or blankets for everyone, so plan ahead!
  7. Water bottle / Drinks - We will have water to refill your bottles, please be sure to hydrate on a hot sunny day. Bring any other drinks that you'd enjoy too!

Oh -- and don't forget to bring a friend too!

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