Chocolate Chip Cookies

The Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie

Active time: 20 minutes • Total time: 75 minutes

Posted on Aug 26, 2019 by Jack McCann
Tags: dessert Newsletter

Betsy and I got tired of looking up Alton Browns' cookie recipe whenever we wanted to make chocolate chip cookies. The real issue is that so many of those fancy recipes are just so much darn work for NO good reason.

I mean -- come on. it is a cookie. I don't want 15 dishes to wash after I am done to take all the fun out of it!

Here is our version to minimize dishes to wash and maximize your time eating cookies.


  • 230g butter (2 sticks)
  • 300g sugar (1.5 C)
  • 30g milk (~2T)
  • 5g vanilla (1t)
  • 4g salt (1t)
  • 5g baking soda (1t)
  • 1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk
  • 340g flour (3 C)
  • 250g chocolate chips (1.5 C)

Notes / ingredient tips:

  1. Vary the type of sugar to your taste. 80% brown and 20% white is typical - but you could go 100% brown or even 90% white and 10% molasses.
  2. I like to use mini bittersweet chocolate chips. There is a lot of sugar in the dough, and I think it is better with less sugar in the chips. Mini-chips make for more even chocolate chips in every bite.
  3. Bread flour provides a chewer cookie, but we use the heritage Turkey Red all purpose that is used for our sourdough bread packages.
  4. If you don't want to waste an egg white, skip the milk and use two whole eggs
  5. Use a kitchen scale, this really saves time and reduces dishes to clean. Here is a post we made about kitchen scales.
  6. If you want to eat the cookie dough, it is best to pasteurize your eggs. Check out this article we wrote about how to do that at home


  1. Melt the butter in a 1 cup pyrex (or use a large glass mixing bowl and melt it in there)
  2. Place your stand-mixer bowl onto the scale and add all the ingredients besides the eggs, flour and chocolate chips
  3. Beat with the paddle attachment until the sugar is smooth (or with hand mixers if you are using a standard bowl)
  4. Add eggs and mix well
  5. Sift flour into the bowl and mix until incorporated. (Sifting is optional)
  6. Add chocolate chips and mix (usually easier by hand)
  7. Place the entire bowl in the fridge for 1 hour (ok, you can eat some dough while you wait)
  8. Pre-heat oven to 375 and line your cookie sheet with a silplat
  9. Scoop out the cookie dough, I use cookie scoops for this and get 10 cookies per sheet so that i can make it onto two batches (or two sheets)
  10. Bake in the center of the oven for 12 minutes and then check to see if they are done. If you are baking two sheets at once, be sure to swap positions half way through. It might take up to 15 min depending on your oven and fridge temp.
  11. Let cool and enjoy!

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