Jack's Brownies

Posted on Oct 25, 2020 by Jack McCann
Tags: desserts recipes Newsletter

I have an issue with some of the celebrity chefs and cooking shows. I mean, they have an army of people who do the dishes and measure out the ingredients so they never seem to think 'how can I make cooking easy and fast to clean up?'

Here is an adaptation from one of those chef's brownies where the original was way too complicated and made a pile of dishes - but the brownies are so darn good, it was worth adjusting to streamline.


  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2lb melted butter (2 sticks)
  • 1/2t salt
  • 430g sugar (2 C)
  • 28g molasses (1 dripping T)
  • 3g vanilla (1t - make your own)
  • 70g flour (2/3 C)
  • 170g cocoa powder (2 C)

Pro tip: If you can, try to source high fat, organic dutched chocolate. At our house we bought it in large cases, but now we have finally started offering the super high quality chocolate to our members. Here is a link to learn more about that.

Bonus Tip: Like almost all baking, you really want to use a scale - this reduces the number of dishes you have to clean after and saves SO much time and heartache. Read this scale article for more info


  1. Preheat your oven to around 300 degrees
  2. In a mixer with paddle attachment or a bowl with a hand mixers, beat the eggs until mixed and then mix in butter and salt
  3. Using your scale, add the vanilla, sugars
  4. Return to the mixer and run on slow to incorporate
  5. Again, using the scale and add in the cocoa and then the flour and slowly mix until blended
  6. While mixing, cut a piece of parchment the width of an 8" square glass pan. Butter the pan well and place parchment in top of the butter, the ends hang off the sides
  7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and level as needed to ensure even cooking
  8. Sprinkle sugar across the top of the brownies before baking

Here is where you have a bit of decision making:

IF you want brownies that are consistent texture from edge to edge:

  • Bake for 15-20 minutes and then remove from the oven to let the heat even out for 15 minues
  • Return to the oven for another 40+ minutes until your instant read thermometer in the middle reaches about 195 (190 - 200 is fine, 190 will gooier in the middle)

IF you want brownies that have that chewy texture at the edge

  • Bake for about 40-50 minutes and remove when the middle is at 195 degrees

Either way, allow to cool for at least 30 minutes. You can use the parchment that should be hanging over the side edges to lift the entire section of brownies out of the pan and cut on a cutting board OR you can just cut into the pan one at a time.

Pro Tip: If you are cutting brownies out of the pan, be SURE none of the rows are uneven. If you EVER see an uneven row, quickly cut it strait agian and eat the bits you had to cut off so nobody will know it was uneven. .

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