Farm Musings

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American Heart Association Sugar Recommendations

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, health, sugar-free

This week, the American Heart Association made some big changes in it's recommend guidelines for how much sugar kids should be getting. As parents with kids of our own, we think this is a big step in the right direction. Learn more.

Lower Rates of Heart Attacks on a Higher Fat Diet

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, health

This study 40 years ago could have fully reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published. An experiment run right here in Minnesota, and reported on this week in the Washington Post, appears to contradict some LONG held conventional wisdom about fat and health.

Healthy Fat and Food Choices - Book Recommendations

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, health

Is fat good for you? Cholesterol? Do pasture raised animals change the health impacts to consider? I am always asked these types of questions and found myself recommending various books over the years. I thought it would be nice to compile a list of favorites for future reference.

Call to Action on Environmental Chemicals

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, health, follow-up

A groups of scientists and professionals have released a Call to Action about the risk of exposure to chemicals used in conventional agriculture and society. Learn more about the data, risks for children and what can be done.

The 6 Reasons You Crave Junk Food

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, health

Stop feeling bad about yourself and get to the heart of why you REALLY crave junk food! Lack of willpower is not anywhere on the list.

Why 'No Antibiotics' is a big deal

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, health, news

A few weeks ago, NPR had a segment on their Science Friday show about antibiotics in our food and the issue of antibiotic resistance. Turns out there's a lot we just don't know but some of what we do know is a little scary. Find out more.

Hidden Health Cost of Packaging

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, news, newsletter, health

A newly published study tallies the hidden cost of something we've been watching for years: The packaging commonly used in meats may be causing serious health problems. This report finds the chemicals used in meat packaging may conservatively cause over 1.5 BILLION dollars of damage every year in the European Union. And that is just focusing on two diseases which may be associated with them.

New Study Shows Organic Is Healthier

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news, article, health, CSA

For those of you on the fence about signing up for an organic meat CSA or an organic veggie CSA, here's some new research you might find interesting. I can't tell you how amazingly different local organic produce is. The best thing in the world is fresh Minnesota Spinach. Even just drinking some basic chicken broth from our pasture raised organic fed chickens, I can tell how much more nourishing it is for my body than stuff I could buy out of a can.

Vitamin A: Why Everyone Should Be Eating Liver

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, health

Vitamin A is a critical nutrient that most people in northern climates and specifically children are deficient in. This is because most of us are unable to convert beta-carotine found in plants or multi-vitamins into true bio-available vitamin A. Read more about how important this is to your family's health.

Cancer and Red Meat - WHO study

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: health, news, hormones, cancer, newsletter

Last month the World Health Organization made big news talking about the correlation between red meat consumption and cancer. This was no surprise to us, we've been saying that eating the meat commonly available causes cancer for years! Here's what YOU need to know.