Your produce delivery will be on March 24th or 25th. It should be the same day of the week as your last package.
The delivery after that will be April 7th / 8th. We are hopeful that we can get you the ability to customize that order a bit, at least selecting a small or large size package if not offering you the full selection of TC Farm items to order along with your produce. This all depends on our software being updated in time to support that. Fingers crossed!
Our current plan is to try a package that is a bit more accessible, more fruit and less roasting veggies.
It is less total food since most of it is higher value. We also recognize that we've kind of been including a bit too much food due to the fact that we don't have the option for a medium or large package choice. (This delivery because it was higher value was $40, for instance.) Those of you in smaller households might be drowning in produce right about now!
Plan on most of these items being in your package:
All of these are organic. Please note this is the time of year when almost nothing local is possible. Everything from last fall is older (we had a couple of options but weren't sure we could trust the quality) and it's just a tiny bit early for anything other than radishes (We promised you wouldn't drown in radishes all spring like most CSAs !)
It is just the start of mango season and I am excited to share with you how to ripen and cut the mangos ripen and cut the mangos. They are for sure one of those items like avocados that are sometimes great and sometimes just don't work out. Avoiding the grocery is a big help since these won't be handled and damaged by random people before getting to your counter to ripen.
As I mentioned in the printed insert that will come with this delivery, those mango cutting tips are super helpful. But please note: that site is sponsored by the National Mango Board. They are the lobbying/marketing group for mango growers. Besides doing good things (like hosting a site with helpful tips) boards like this typically lobby for policies which hurt small, more ecologically focused farmers. I just wanted to let you know our linking was not an endorsement.
I added our mango-avocado-lime salsa chicken recipe to our website (see below)
Our mangos turned out pretty darn well, I didn't quite wait long enough to ripen them at first, but by Sunday or Monday, they were perfect (3-4 days on the counter in the paper bag).
How did your's turn out?
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