August 29-31 Delivery

Posted on Aug 24, 2023 by Eli Crain

These are the items we have planned for this week. Not every box will receive every item, but all boxes will receive most of the items below.

The Seasonal Box

Roma Tomatoes
Leeks or Shallots

Produce - The Seasonal Box

10 lbs avg

Box 50

Seasonal organic produce

One smaller organic and local produce CSA

  • Mixed share includes fruits and veggies
  • Target for 1-4 people depending how often you'll cook and eat great produce

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of this package will vary week to week depending on the value of what is included.

Please note that we are aiming to include a balanced share which maximizes local and heirloom produce. However, we also want to minimize food waste by ensuring the included food is usable in our busy lives! Plan on some foods from out of state, especially fruits and outside of the Minnesota growing season.

The Low Carb Box

Roma Tomatoes
Spaghetti Squash
Green Beans

Produce - The Low Carb Box

10.5 lbs avg

Box 52

Keto and Paleo Veggies

One organic low carb CSA focusing on Keto/Paleo friendly veggies

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.

The Staples Box

Red Onions
Blue Potatoes
Shallots or Leeks

Produce - The Staple Box

13.5 lbs avg

Box 53

Storage and every day veggies

​One staple organic and local produce CSA

Focus is on every day veggies like:
  • Potato (all varieties)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Carrot
  • And other similar items as we feel inspired

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.

The Fruit Box

Parker Pears
Granny Smith Apples
Colorado Peaches
Red Plums

Produce - The Fruit Box

8.5 lbs avg

Box 54

Amazing fruit at its peak!

This is a fun package - there are so many amazing fruits from around the country which just don't make it into the grocery store.  

This package will include a mix of specialty seasonal items along with every day fruit staples. Focus is on quality and organic produce

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.
Minnesota's fruit season is fairly short; we will feature seasonal specialty fruit year round at its peak flavor, but will also include every day fruits in every package.

Recipe Ideas from This Week's Produce

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One pan meatballs that are light enough to serve all summer long!

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One of our members posted this recipe and we had to share as it looks DELICIOUS! A hearty, comforting meal that's great way to use up any butternut squash you have on hand.

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The best part about this recipe is that you can substitute almost any of the ingredients for something that you have on hand and it ALWAYS turns out!

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There are a few methods out there for how to cook spaghetti squash. In my opinion, halved and baked cut side down is the best method. Hands down.

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A hearty fall or winter salad that is sure to satisfy!

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A fun recipe that has us dreaming of summer. You don't have to make your own pesto, but it is so good when fresh.

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Shallots, butter and scotch....need I say more?

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August is the perfect time to make fresh salsa when tomatoes are at their ripest and fresh jalapeños are on hand!

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This is a super fun dish to make!

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This recipe is delicious at room temp and piping hot and comes together super quickly on a weeknight.

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This is a very quick, easy, and satisfying meal for any time of year.

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Shawn (3) said he wanted bacon and green beans, but the bacon had to be crispy, not too fatty. Here is the result. Simple, yummy and nutritious.

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Simple side salad that makes the most of pantry staples.

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This meal is great for a brunch or dinner and is no more difficult than making pancakes. Do plan ahead though, as the batter needs time to rest.

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I've always loved these 'Grandpa' cucumbers, easy to make and a great side for almost anything.

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Absolutely, mouth watering. Best enjoyed with lots of crusty, buttery bread. This recipe, adapted from Molly Baz's cook book makes leeks something you will want to eat every. single. week.

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The perfect pasta to ensure that none of the local, organic veggies in your produce share go to waste!

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The first night Betsy made this, Jack practically ate it with a spoon. He even used it as a salad dressing. Betsy thought this was taking it a little too far, but we both agree that it is the perfect summer accompaniment to any lighter meat or veggie.

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This warming stew is perfect for chilly weather! It's a great way to use up greens that may be hanging around. Kale, collard greens, escarole, dandelion greens, you name it!

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The sneakiest way to eat your kale. And it is seriously tasty.

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